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"Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.

Monday, June 26, 2006

New Van?

We purchased a "new" 97 Mazda MPV. Heather loved the idea of a normal van and getting rid of the 12 passenger 4 cylinder diesel tourism van. She was in the lap of luxury with power windows, air conditioning, and seatbelts in each seat so each child can have their own window. Unfortunately Guatemala caught up with us. Just after we bought it from some friends who had returned to the US I brought it in to the shop to check out the "check engine" light that had been on so we could get it set up right before driving it too much. We found out that 4 of the 6 cylinders were bad (100 psi instead of 150 which means bad rings hence rebuild). We now are looking for a used motor to put in and our "new" van remains parked in the shop and we continue to drive the 12 passenger van. But praise God that we have that 12 passenger van still!

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