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"Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Two more...

As most of you know, we adopted two children from Ethiopia. Kiya, a two year old girl and Kaiyin, a 5 month old boy. There was much drama in getting them from Ethiopia but Gad has provided even through the impossible. Kiya was diagnosed with tuberculosis and we were told that she would not be allowed to travel and immigrate to the US for almost 9 months after travelling to get her and Kayin. There was nothing we could do and even praying seemed futile, it was already determined. But amazingly enough, God changed the law a couple days before we traveled to Ethiopia and we were able to bring both of them home. They are fitting into our family just as if they had been here all along. Heather and I are adjusting to having a baby and a toddler around again. We are finding a routine and starting to get our groove.

This is an amazing story of provision but it has also been the hardest few months of our lives, but that will be written about in the haddoxthoughts.blogspot.com blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally Done

Yeah, I'm finally done with my Master's and will be getting my diploma aroundt the first of Septemeber (so they told me). I'm very happy to be done and my kids are too! They have their mom back. Zoe said to me this morning, "mom, what fun thing are we going to do today?" I'm so thankful that God is and was able to cover and protect them during this year of my mental absence. I even did Anzo's birthday party 2 weeks after his actual birthday because of my Thesis due date. I felt horrible about it, but I'm glad he ended up having a blast!!!! I even made a beach ball cake (it was a splish splash pool party). Pics soon to come!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Soooo behind...

This has been the final semester for Heather. She finishes classes in a couple weeks and her final project in July then hopefully things will slow down and we can start to fill in some of the gaps (over the last 4 months!) I am writing this at work which is not "billable" so I write no more...