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"Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.

Friday, November 10, 2006

VBS Zapote

November 6-10th the kids and I spent the week in a little village called El Zapote where we ran a VBS for the kids in the village in conjunction with the local church. The VBS was called “Fiesta”, which is Spanish for “Party”. It was an amazing theme as many of the children in the village are accustomed to party meaning drinking and dancing, and hopefully now they have redefined the word “Party” to mean singing, games, hearing about Jesus, and being at church with your friends. 10 people partnered with us from Sierra Bible Church in Reno, Nevada to spend the week in song, games, crafts, and Bible stories. We had to drive on a dirt road through 4 rivers and up a very steep and rocky road before arriving at the church each morning to begin VBS. The first day we had 200 kids and we grew to 350 by Friday (try doing a piƱatas for 350 kids). 87 kids made a first time decision to walk with Christ. It was an amazing time!