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"Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Another adoptive victory!

Heather has been helping the Pittman family, some people having trouble with their adoption, with their difficult situation for the past several months. This past week she was able to help them through the final embassy process where they finally obtained the visas they needed to bring their two adopted children home to the US.

Several months ago we were contacted by some people who were asking for some help in a difficult situation. They had finished the adoption process but due to some bureaucratic red tape they couldn't get visas for their children to come home with them. Heather knew that some other friends (Juan Pablo and Julissa)of ours here in Guatemala could use some financial assistance and were great candidates for caring for the two babies until the process could be resolved. Since then and over the past 5 months or so, Heather has been involved each step of the way. With the difficulties and knowledge of the adoption process we went through to adopt Anzo, Heather was able to bring a very real and tangible comfort and assistance to the Pittman family. She was also able to be a source of encouragement for Juan Pablo and family as they were in a difficult time of transition also.

Heather has been able to bless many different people and families here. I may work full time with eMi while Heather spends most of her time schooling the kids but she is also daily touching the lives of those around her through church, story time, as Principal of the English Academy, counselor... the list goes on and on.

Megan comes Eric goes...

Eric left to attend the eMi 25th Ann World Conference in Jackson Hole WY. (read here) While he was gone Megan, the daughter of some friends of ours in MN, came down for a week to help Heather with the kids and experience Guatemala on a much more personal level living with a missionary family. Heather and Megan did a 2 day VBS for children at a new feeding center in Chimaltenango run by our friends Rafael and Evelin. Their week was packed with VBS, going to the beach, embassy visits and much more.