Many people were unaware that we were back in the states. We really only had time to visit family. This was the first time in 2 1/2 years that we all could travel as a family because Anzo's adoption has been completed. We passed through immigration at about 2am on May 14 and Anzo became a citizen of the United States. This was the highlight that glimmered among an otherwise difficult travel.
Beyond the kids being so tired they were throwing up in the airport in line at immigration, we managed to have our laptop stolen somewhere between immigration and the shuttle stop in front of the airport. We realized this en route to the car rental place. As I went back to look for it, unsuccessfully I might add, Heather went on to rent the car. The car we had asked for was not available so we got a minivan at the "bargain" of the same rate (the minivan should have been cheaper). The people gave Heather the key and told her to press the alarm button to see the lights flash to let her know which van was hers. She proceeded to load all the luggage and the 4 sick kids by herself. When I arrived she was ready to go but my GPS wasn't working and it was the middle of the night in LA. We found our way to the highway and later realized that the minivan had a GPS system but Advantage failed to let us know that or how to work it. Down the road Abi needed to vomit again and I rushed outside and wretled with the automatic side door to open and the sliding door fell off the track! I managed to get it closed and we continued. Later we even managed to get a flat and the spare was under the middle of the car inbetween the driver and passenger seats! Even the people at the tire shop had to triple team it for and hour to get it back in shape.
We did manage to get to Heather's uncle Dale's house and visit with his family as well as her grandmother Betty who has been bedridden for several years but still is quite fiesty. The journey continued on to my brother's house where we were able to visit for two days. It was really good to be with my brother and his family. Our kids had lots of fun playing with cousins and it was a relaxing couple days after hectic travel.
Next on the list was my parents house in Reno. We stayed there for a couple days and I enjoyed having extended conversations with both mom and dad. We were able to be there for Dad's angiogram and explore new health needs for him. We were also able to spend some time with Holly (Heather's virtual sister) and Darren and their baby girl Addy. During the weekend we travelled to Heather's mom's house in Paradise and spent most of our time outside at the lovely park down the street. The kids enjoyed her new Chihuahua "Chloe". We returned to Reno where I left for Jordan (read seperate post) and Heather continued to the beach in Brookings, OR and see her brother Bryce. She and the kids also spent time with her dad and Cathy in Lake Almanor. All in all it was wonderful to see everyone but it is good to be back home in Guatemala and have things settle down a little. I am back in the office and getting back to finishing the work left in the office before the office moves to Costa Rica in September. I am the only one in the office until Tom returns on July 17.
What is "Luxury"?
I knew I lived in luxury when I lived in the States because I own three
cars and a trailer, I have more than one bathroom, and a gourmet kitchen
with 7 be...
11 years ago
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