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"Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.

Friday, December 08, 2006

VBS San Lucas

December 4-8th marked my third VBS (this year) with my church in San Lucas. Also titled “Fiesta”, myself along with a team of about 15 Guatemalans and missionaries spent the week doing crazy stunts and acting like 8 year olds in order to bring the love of Jesus to the children. The first day we had 95 kids and by Friday we had 200 kids. 62 kids made a first time decision to walk with Jesus and all 62 kids came back the following Sunday to experience church for the first time. One little girl asked me, “so we come back every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.? Most of the kids had never set foot in a church and we were blessed by the Sierra Bible team to be able to give out amazing hard cover bible story books about Jesus to all the kids who made a decision for Christ. For many of the children, this was the first book they had ever received.

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