Up to speed...
The first couple days in disney were a blast but by the 4th day we were tired and our feet hurt. We took the last day slower and left mid day to see our family in San Diego. We visited Heather's cousin's family which
includes cousins the same age as our kids. It is always a breath of fresh air to visit with them. The slowing down had started.
includes cousins the same age as our kids. It is always a breath of fresh air to visit with them. The slowing down had started.
We then crossed the border in our van and visited Rancho Agua Viva in Ensenada Mexico. This ministry has a 143ac facility in the mountains and has 4 primary ministries. 1. Using that facilities for Mexican nationals to have retreats and group events. 2. Being a base camp for short term missions teams to come and minister in the community 3. Running a seminary to train pastors from all over Mexico especially indiginous and unreached areas. The seminary is a 3 year certificate program. 4. Supporting these pastors and ministries in the future as they go out from the seminary into all of Mexico.
A special thanks to Brent, Becky and Scott for the time they took showing us around and making us feel very welcome there. They showed us the site, talked about the ministry and vision and even took us around town to church and other ministries they work with. Finally we visited the beach for some fun in the sand. Such a beautiful site, wonderful people and exciting ministry. We continue to pray for them as they work toward reaching Mexico for Christ.
Our return to the US was relatively easy because we crossed over at Tecate. Tijuana typically has a 3-4 hour wait to cross and in Tecate there were 3 cars in front of us. Of course we were pulled aside for secondary inspection and sat for an additional 30 min. It was an interesting homeschooling moment explaining why they were tearing apart our car (the officers were very kind though). The dog came by and was sniffing the car when Kiya asked, "why do they have a dog?" I said, "to check if we are trying to sneak in drugs" She followed with another question, "What are drugs?" Oh the homeschooling moments!
On our way back to LAX we were able to spend the day visiting with our best friends from Guatemala the Osbornes who live just a couple miles from Heather's cousins house. We rented a van and left for LAX 100 miles away. About 8 miles to our desination I got a call from Mandy that I had left Heather's backpack with
the money and vital records at their house in San Diego! They graciously drove and met me half way. I hope this isn't going to be a pattern for our trip.
the money and vital records at their house in San Diego! They graciously drove and met me half way. I hope this isn't going to be a pattern for our trip.
The first couple days the ministry here left for us to get our bearings and relax which was difficult given our
housing situation but I was able to attend and help teach a mens bible study. Friday we went to some home bible studies. I helped teach and Heather ministered with the kids. They did crafts and told stories. At the second house we all played soccer with some of the local kids behind the tiny house/shack on a small but steep slope above a stream of sewage and garbage. The soccer flat ball frequently went into the stream. We just had to not think about it and remind ourselves that a shower at the end of the day would take care of it all. Kaiyin and the littler kids were dirt sledding amidst the soccer game. They had a small crate and were using it to slide down the steep slope of dirt. They tied a cable
to it and began pulling each other down the slope trying to get it to overturn. Once they pulled Kaiyin down the slope and right into the pile of garbage but still short of the sewage. Friday evenings they have a social gathering with the locals at Scotts house where we could just get to know each other. The ministry here is firmly based in relationships with the locals.
to it and began pulling each other down the slope trying to get it to overturn. Once they pulled Kaiyin down the slope and right into the pile of garbage but still short of the sewage. Friday evenings they have a social gathering with the locals at Scotts house where we could just get to know each other. The ministry here is firmly based in relationships with the locals.
It was really a great time. Life here is hard and culturally the people don't really congregate to encourage each other. This is a practice in being the body. The believers love on each other and those who have yet to believe are included as well into the group to experience the Christ change in the community of believers. Everyone has a great time and the group continues to grow. Scott took me on a walk on the 115ac property next door and we talked about a vision for the property. He is hoping to buy the property soon. More on that to come.
Hopefully I have been able to give a summary of what has happened so far. Things are slowing, we are getting plugged into ministry Soon we will get the kids unplugged from their digital devices (it is just hard given our living situation, they can't just go out and play). I will keep pictures uploaded to our picasaweb site ericheatherh.picasaweb.com
Resources for keeping up with the Haddox's
To see pictures picasaweb.com\ericheatherh
Facebook - Heather Haddox and Eric Haddox
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