Anzo turned 5 on Saturday. Unfortunately most of our friends were unable to attend so mostly it was a family affair. I don't think Anzo minded very much though it was a bit sad for me. He wanted to have a train birthday and Heather had brought back some train stuff from the US. Obviously she couldn't bring back a piñata which is manditory for birthdays here. Finding a train piñata proved to be difficult and we ended up

Anzo,You are so luckly that Mommy and Daddy could make such a wonderful train cake for you brithday!!!!! I only wish Grandpa and I could have been there to eat some of it with you! What a fun day you must have had. :)
Grandma dora and Grandpa
Anzo,You are so luckly that Mommy and Daddy could make such a wonderful train cake for your brithday!!!!! I only wish Grandpa and I could have been there to eat some of it with you! What a fun day you must have had. :)
Grandma dora and Grandpa
Keep up with the pictures...Anzo, happy 5th, we wish would could have been there to celebrate with you.
great pictures! he looks a year older. :)
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