Christmas here in Guatemala is different than in the states. There are few Christmas turkeys, LOTS of explosions, and most obviously, no snow. Yet despite all these differences I found myself enchanted once again by the air of Christmas (albeit smog-filled from the busses). Heather led the Children's Christmas presentations at church. All the guatemalan children were standing still, paying attention,
About Us

- Eric
- "Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Beginnng to look a lot like Christmas....?
Christmas here in Guatemala is different than in the states. There are few Christmas turkeys, LOTS of explosions, and most obviously, no snow. Yet despite all these differences I found myself enchanted once again by the air of Christmas (albeit smog-filled from the busses). Heather led the Children's Christmas presentations at church. All the guatemalan children were standing still, paying attention,
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Fiesta 3!
Heather ran the final pass of her "Fiesta" VBS in the coastal town of Chipilapa. It was scheduled to be a one day event with 150-250 kids until 600-800 of them showed up!! It was a tiring day in the heat. They were able to minister to the kids but the adults had become accustomed to people coming in and giving things to themso they were constantly asking for equipment, soccer balls, extra chips...Pleeeeeeease. Heather even saw the mothers taking the candy away from the children! There is a line in charity between help and enabling and we have found it is always a hard line to find.
Friday, December 08, 2006
VBS San Lucas
Friday, November 10, 2006
VBS Zapote
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Heather turns 32...
Saturday, September 30, 2006
...Happy birthday you two...
The girls are 5!
They actually turned 5 during their time back in the states but their party was rescheduled and we had a great time. They had a princess party and all the guests came in royal attire. The domain of their castle and kingdom was shown from our couch being made into a castle to the castle piñata and of course the cake of this year was a purple and pink castle. All the kids were either dubbed 'lady' or 'knighted' and presented with a sword or princess hat. we had games and cookies. Heather's 'childrens director' nature came out and we had stations for the kids to rotate through to break them up into smaller groups. Everyone had a blast. There was even an appearance from Jacque the french chef.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Goodbye Poppy...
Heather was able to have a great two weeks with her grandfather. Eli, Abi and Zoe were able to play games with him and celebrate their 5th birthday with him. He passed away about a week after Heather and the kids returned home to Guatemala. Heather was able to share Christ with Poppy many times and tell him that he cannot "ride the fence" when it comes to God. Unfortunately his response was one of "well if I haven't done enough to get to heaven yet then I won't be going because I can't do more." He couldn't understand that he didn't need to do anything to recieve eternal life from God. It is his free gift to us through faith in Jesus so we can be reconciled to Him through Christ's payment. We pray that during his final moments he was able to understand God's grace and acknowledge that there is nothing he could do to earn God's love. We place him in the loving hands of God knowing that He loved Poppy even more than we did. He was a kind old man who was liked by all who met him and loved by all who knew him.
Heather was also able to see her best friend Holly and visit with her dad and grandmother (GG) on her father's side.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Lava flows...
While Heather, Eli, Abi and Zoe were away Anzo and I were able to spend a lot of time together. He was very quiet and unsure of the whole thing having almost everyone gone but him. One evening we decided to take a trip up the volcano Pacaya at night to see the lava glowing. We went up with a few people from eMi and made our way to the top in the dark. Anzo enjoyed being carried up while I sucked wind. At the top we were able to see several lava flows and walk right up to them (about 5 or 6 feet) because of their orientation. I forgot my camera but we did get this one picture.
During our time alone we were able to make dinner together (and cookies), sleep together, play just the two of us, and do special things that are difficult to do with 6 people (like the volcano). But even still he was very glad to see eveyone come back!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Heather's grandfather Skeet (affectionately called Poppy) has cancer and was given 6-9mo to live. We were planning on spending lots of time with him at Christmas. Yesterday, we learned that after falling and hitting his head, and having a gran mal seizure, the doctor said that if he is bleeding in his brain he only has a day to a week to live. Tomorrow early morning, Heather, Eli, Abi and Zoe are flying to see him. Anzo and I will stay here because he is not fully adopted and cannot get a visa in time. While we lived in
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Bob the lizard...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
A visit to San Juan Bautista...
Each time that I visit San Juan Bautista the women there ask about Heather and the kids. I made a visit there that you can read about on the site.
Our family is always the center of attention there as they are all blond and can speak Spanish. One of the families we built a ho
a fresh change...
August was our first month in our new house. It has been very rewarding for the kids. We are safe in our neighborhood which has no walls around the individual homes but around the whole neighborhood instead. We have a slew of kids come through the house each day as several of our neighbors have kids the same age (particularly next door with Camden and Cambria). Because of the kids’ interaction, the adults come by much more often as well. It is nice to have neighbors out from behind walls that you can walk up to and talk to.
Eli is always out and about with the neighbor boys on their bikes.
There does seem to be a social grouping of the foreigners and the Guatemalans. I guess this has a lot to do with language. Heather and I are trying to be more social with the Guatemalans but the Guatemalans in this neighborhood tend to be more wealthy and to themselves. They are friendly enough but seem to want to run in their own circles. Be praying that they will be more open to integrating.
Along with the school Heather put the kids in soccer for PE. They have had lots of fun running around kicking the ball. They go 3 days a week.
At our church, one of the helpers in Sunday school had a baby. She is young and still in school. Her mother wan
On an interesting side note, we have had some severe thunder storms. Not days of rain on end like Stan but short severe storms and one day we got large marble sized hail!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Finally back
Heather also made her first trip on a motorcycle. She went a couple blocks down to a friends house. She was in a hurry so she had no time for instructions.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Welcome Nick!
My nephew Nick came to stay with us for a month. He was able to come with me to Tabacal several times and help me with the construction of 4 homes.
During July we finally ate "the Duck". For those of you who remember, I was given a live duck as a gift from the pastor in Zapote. TKO bit and killed the duck and I cleaned it and put it in the freezer. Here is the girls going their "duck dance" because they were sooo excited to finally eat the duck.
We had lots of fun with Nick. He was a big help for me with work and we were able to go several places. After our busy time building in Pastores my schedule freed up so we took a tri
There was a huge waterslide for the family there where we all could get in a giant raft and go down the slide together. The kids were terrified at first but they all loved it once we were down. We
Not even the afternoon rains could dampen the kids fun. The day we went to the water park we stayed right to closing. Heather and I even still went on a couple slides after it started pouring rain.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
A day at "the lake"...
During a project trip to Pixebaj the family stayed in Chichicastenango with friends and the week culminated in a nights stay at Lake Atitlan. I find this lake to be the most beautiful place on earth. It was nice to have a days vacation even if it still was associated with work.
The kids love playing in the lake
Monday, June 26, 2006

Anzo turned 5 on Saturday. Unfortunately most of our friends were unable to attend so mostly it was a family affair. I don't think Anzo minded very much though it was a bit sad for me. He wanted to have a train birthday and Heather had brought back some train stuff from the US. Obviously she couldn't bring back a piñata which is manditory for birthdays here. Finding a train piñata proved to be difficult and we ended up

Moving when?...
New Van?
Monday, June 19, 2006
San Juan VBS
It was a boiling hot day and our kids kept themselves cool by the local pila (clothes washing cistern)