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"Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Family Winter fun...

December was filled with plenty of hot chocolate, snuggling and playing in the snow. Here are some pics. See all December pics here

Ice Skating downtown.


hot cocoa

and just plain fun

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Party...

To bring the community together I thought we should have an informal get together for the neighbors and skate around the tree with some hot chocolate and caroling...Well, while we are at it, why not invite some friends...and people from church...and...

We all had a blast! More than 50 people came to make cookies, skate around the tree, have hot chocolate, s'mores at the firepit, BBQ, soup, very chilly caroling and equally intense rounds of catchphrase. You can see all the pics here.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The tree...

This year a coworker gave me the idea of having a "Community Christmas Tree" in the center of our court so I got a permit and went to Mt Rose for my tree after work. I figured I would have enough time before it got dark but brought a flashlight anyway.

Among the snow, about 1/4 mi off the road, I found the tree, a perfect 18' tree. It was getting dark so I turned the headlights on so I could see as I sawed the tree. I finally fell the tree and dragged to to the side of the Jeep. being alone, I had to figure out how to get this enormous and heavy tree on the top. It weighed too much to lift so I rigged up a ratcheting system, that would take too long to explain, and slowly inched it up front, back, front, back... to the top.

It was pitch black by now and I realized that I had left the lights on the WHOLE time. I got in and, as I expected, the battery was dead. My cell phone was also dead so I hiked to the highway with my flashlight and flagged people for an hour before finding someone willing to drive down a dirt road into the forest in the middle of the night with me to "jump" my car.

Mel was the name of my angel who helped me. I did get it home and built bracing to keep it up (the winds howled in December but it never fell). Getting the lights and ornaments on it proved scary for a person afraid of heights. I had my 12 year old neighbor hold the ladder as I twisty tied the huge lighted star on the top of that 18' tree.

In the end it was a masterpiece of pure genius even if it took several "stupid" moves to get there.