Its hard to manage several blogs. I never even did mention that I was laid off my job April 18th. The small firm I was with had work but couldn't collect on the accounts. On top of this, work coming in was slowing so the owner laid off his 2 employees. I was given 2 months severence so things haven't been too hard even though finding a job in this market has been much harder than I have ever experienced. I have always been able to get a job immediately. This time I have contacted and sent resumes to EVERY civil firm here in the greater Reno area with little promising response. I even spent 2 weeks doing janitorial work at the church (mostly to show the kids that if you can't find the job you want you do a job you don't want in the meantime.)
This last week or so has been used fixing up and moving into our new house. We bought a "foreclosed" house that was THRASHED! We are now mostly in (all the stuff is out of the old house and in the garage at least). Our lease for the other house still goes through June so we are hopeing that someone will rent it for June so we won't have to pay the $1550 for June.
Back to the job... just yesterday I received a signed contract to do some drafting work for the local water agency. Everyone was under the assumption that it would be about a months worth of work. Unfortunately it looks like it is more like a week of work. The good side of it is that it is a foot in the door and getting a perceived months worth of work done in a week and significantly under budget could bring me more work from them. That remains in the hands of the Lord.
The kids like the new house. It is the first house that has been OURS since 2004. The boys have a space room and the girls a pink/purple garden room. They haven't had a themed room since 2004 either. The significance is that the kids can paint the walls and there are no calls of, "Don't do that, this isn't our house." Eli, so eliquently said, "we could put holes in the walls and bust it all up if we wanted to because its our house". I let him know that the house WAS busted up and we have now FIXED it so we have no intention of busting it up again simply because we can.
So I may have a job or I may not, I will just have to do my best and see where it leads. Regardless of our circumstances God continues to provide just as he always has.
What is "Luxury"?
I knew I lived in luxury when I lived in the States because I own three
cars and a trailer, I have more than one bathroom, and a gourmet kitchen
with 7 be...
11 years ago