I know many of you are anxious to hear from us to know what the next step is for us. The best I can say is that God is continuing to prove himself faithful in guiding our path. There still are a few viable options and hopefully we will have a confirmed choice in the next week or so. Our goal has been to have a decision by the end of September. A goal I think we will meet.
Please continue praying for us during this time of uncertainty. Just as Abraham was led to the "land God would show him" so we find ourselves in a similar boat. Pray the the Lord would limit the options to one and make it clear just as He did with Jordan.
Returning to the states has been both difficult and a blessing. It has been wonderful to see family and visit with some of you. It also has been hard adjusting to U.S. wealth. In Guatemala we would be considered wealthy but here we would not. For example... we have been looking to get low fat powdered milk because you can get it cheap in Guatemala and (just like with juice) dilute the mixture with 2x the water so your milk goes twice as far because milk is expensive. In Guatemala this was normal for us. Here it sounds sad to water down your milk with half water yet we still have so much! I hope this inner struggle will always stay with us for some part.
The house in Lake Almanor has been such a blessing for us. It works for our family very well. The boys have a bedroom, the girls a little loft and we have a bedroom upstairs. There is a big deck in front that we enjoy every day. The lake is two houses down, across the street and down a path through a neighbors yard. The weather has been good (though colder than Guatemala). The kids have enjoyed the woods and bike rides. We even went fishing last Saturday (but caught nothing). They have done well with all the traveling but don't like it so much.
Heather has started homeschooling again. The kids enjoy having half the subjects taught in Spanish. I am studying with Pastor Greg at Sierra Bible in Pastoral Practicum and will be preaching the next two Sundays in a small church in south Reno called Pathway.
We will keep you all up-to-date with the process and will surely let you know when the Lord has given us a specific direction. We are pursuing a particular option but, for now our direction is to seek him while we pursue this particular path and trust him that if it is the right path, the pieces will come together, and if not, He will close the door and move us on to the next option.
Thank you for your prayers...
What is "Luxury"?
I knew I lived in luxury when I lived in the States because I own three
cars and a trailer, I have more than one bathroom, and a gourmet kitchen
with 7 be...
11 years ago