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"Bringing physical help to the poor to give them eternal hope in Christ"... A Family dedicated to seeking God and showing His enduring love to ALL, in a world that is passing away.

Monday, April 30, 2007

April Fun

With the pool in place, April has been a wet month. Now just about each day the kids jump on the trampoline and swim and play Kacker (a modified version of hide and go seek with a nerf rocket). Eli also finally lost his other front tooth.

One of the days we went with some friends to a pond outside of Chimaltenango where Eli fished with a net and Anzo with a bamboo pole and string. The girls rode around on the horse while Heather set up the food and I barbequed.

See April Pictures here

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Most people fear getting a pink slip at their work. Us on the otherhand celebrate recieving it like the person getting the pink slip for their new car (CA). because that means that the embassy has accepted our final documents and has set an appointment for our final interview with immigration. After which the adoption will finally be COMPLETE.

To understand the significance of this timing you have to understand that we have already purchased tickets to visit the states as a family on May 13. All 6 tickets only cost $550 so we thought we would take the risk and buy them. Our appointment with immigration is May 9. If our meeting goes well, our visa will be ready on May 10. The embassy is closed May 11-13. So we got in JUST before we leave (read my thoughts on the other blog).

We celebrated by going out to pizza! Lord be with us on the 9th!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Give what has been given

We were given a gift of groceries from some Guatemalan friends of ours here as a thank you for all the work Heather has done at the school and with storytime. At dinner we read a story of a poor family that recieved a lot of gifts for Christmas and were found the next day wrapping them back up. When asked they said they were giving much of the stuff to their neighbors because, "how can we take all this when our neighbors are still poor." This spurned us to take half of the food given to us and "share" it with some people living in a champa (tin shack) just down the street from us. I hope we all are more willing to share generously and freely without the "wet-blanket" of fearing how they will use it getting in the way. We have been given freely, so should we freely give.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bok Bok eggs!!

Our chicken is finally laying eggs. As I was making room to lay out the pool I moved her coop and there I found three eggs. She has been laying eggs about one every day. so this Saturday we were able to have "Bok Bok" pancakes. Finally we have a chicken that lays eggs!! And all we have to do is let her eat TKO's dog food that we leave out. TKO isn't so thrilled about that idea. He bites at her to keep her away from his ffod but she is just too persistant!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Resurrection Day!

In typical easter fashion, one of our kids was sick. This year it was Abi. After church we hunted for eggs in our house with an egg hidden for each child in each room. Jonathan was able to join us in the celebration.