Christmas here in Guatemala is different than in the states. There are few Christmas turkeys, LOTS of explosions, and most obviously, no snow. Yet despite all these differences I found myself enchanted once again by the air of Christmas (albeit smog-filled from the busses). Heather led the Children's Christmas presentations at church. All the guatemalan children were standing still, paying attention,

and singing with all they had; three traits that all 4 of our children showed their "cultural differences" in. Ours were the stereotypical figgity children who wiggle, grab things, and sing their own tune. Yet with Heather strumming the guitar and the kids singing silent night in Spanish, it all still felt exactly right. At times when I was a kid I would get tingles feeling like I had entered a Norman Rockwell painting; and though I don't believe Norman ever traveled to Guatemala, I found myself in one of his paintings once more.

The kids also played as the "heavenly host" in our Christmas play at church. A group of angels with halos of bent coat hangers

singing "Gloooooooria". Then they didn't want to come down, for fear or just enjoyment, but stayed up there singing over and over, "Glooooria" until Dorita finally went up there and lead the kids down by hand.

Our old friend Patricia was able to join us as well as some new friends, a couple from the states that were adopting and didn't know anyone in Guatemala. The season was beautiful as we were able to attend one of the most beautiful Christmas eve services I ha

ve ever seen and were able to see the Christmas eve fireworks. I wish we could have been home with family. I wish we could have spent it with Poppy, but one thing I learned this Christmas is that Christmas is more than about my experience of it, it is about sharing the extravagant love of God with those around us, whoever they may be.